Who wishes to admit the Liabilities of the machine of "self"?
Practically no one who still presently identifies with the machine of "self" will be receptive to neither their spirit nor the principles that define it.
Every natural instinct cries out against the idea of "self" powerlessness.
Instincts are innate natural inclinations that that govern the machine of "self".
If someone identifies solely with "self" then their instincts will be activated in response to any sensory stimuli it receives.
The limited awareness of the senses often perceives stimuli as being threatening in nature.
Understanding this fact gives "self" awareness a new meaning.
If an individual is truly aware of "self" then they can also begin to see who they are it's beyond physical form.
They are no longer ruled by the finite "self" and the senses that govern its mechanics.
Rob G
Welcome To The Empire of Nothing
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Virus vs. the ego
The collective consciousness has an abundance of habits that have the accumulated potential to manifest everything from cancer to aids. These “habits” all have one thing in common in that they originate in our minds. Our minds are the cause of all of our ailments.
We take actions that do nothing but destroy the planet that is our most primary provider. You can forget about your parents, job, and municipality or church because none of these would exist without our earth to support them. This world that we have manifested is a projection of our thoughts reflected in three-dimensional forms. We have created all of this with our thoughts. I am not saying that we should go back into the caves and cure our kill with salt. I am suggesting that we have gone about things in a manner that's reflective of our unbalanced state of mind.
We have created this reality with our fear driven egos. There was not a lot of love that went into it’s over all design. There is not a lot of consideration given to the effects of living inside of a world that is essentially a fear based projection would have on our health. We believe that things just happen to us. People can try to come up with all sorts of well thought out explanations about the origins of AIDS or cancer but the minds that answer these questions are both invested in their continuing existence and driven by fear as well.
We are the cancer of the earth. We consume an overabundance of chemicals that are produced by destroying our ecosystem. This is a great example of how we have created out of fear and not love. We actually go out and destroy living things made out of love to build nonliving structures made out of fear. Whenever we build these structures we have to kill something in order to do it. We are robbing our primary care giver of its resources because we have been fooled by our ego and think that we are somehow separated from the earth that contains us.
This belief in needing something can only come from one place and that is our ego. Our ego is always in need something because it is really nothing. We don’t know that our ego is nothing in fact we think is everything. We believe that our ego is who we are in much the same way that we believe this world we have built is real. Our ego identifies with this world because it created it. It is actually destroying the planet in a fruitless attempt to fulfill its own selfish needs. Our ego will never be satisfied because it only knows how to need. If our ego did not need it cease to exist?
A virus attacks the cell and destroys its nucleus. The virus is dead and it actually has the capacity to spread death to a living cell. A virus takes control of the nucleus and the next thing you know that cell is dead. When I heard about this process it immediately reminded me of our minds own battle with the ego. In my opinion the ego is not living but something that we create with our minds. The ego is capable of taking control of a living mind and driving its thoughts into total self- destruction and taking our body along with it.
Imagine that we were one of those cells that a virus attacks and the nucleus was our brain. Before the virus began its assault on the nucleus, our brain, the cell was complete in and of itself. The virus’s sole purpose is to destroy the cell, us, by any means necessary. What if the nucleus, our brain, actually fooled itself into believing that the virus was who it really was? Now all of a sudden the cell, us, is helping the virus carry out its mission of destroying the cell.
This sounds absolutely ridiculous but this is precisely what we are doing when we allow our fear driven ego to run the show. The only reason that the virus can affect the cell is because we do the exact same thing with our ego.
Right now let’s stay focused on the virus. Viruses can not reproduce without the help of a host cell. An ego cannot project without the help of its own host, our brain. A virus attaches to a cell with its “tails”. It then injects its genetic material into the host cell.
Other viruses can actually dissolve the cell wall, and “sink” into it. The ego does the exact opposite by building a barrier consisting of little shreds of fears that block the connection between our mind and spirit. Once the DNA of the virus is inside the cell, it takes control of it and forces it, using its resources, to produce more of the same virus DNA and parts of the virus. Once our thoughts become consumed with fear it will trick the mind into believing that the ego is who we are. When most of the cell is used up to produce more virus material, it becomes is so weakened that it bursts like a soap bubble, releasing the new replicated viruses which immediately seek out new host cells to invade and destroy. Once our ego has established control of our mind it spreads fear by projecting it into the minds of any person that it comes in contact with. The fear driven ego can turn its attack on the body of the person that has become its host. The fear driven ego can maintain an insane belief system in the mind of its host. The ego can actually cause the body of its host to manifest symptoms of physical illness. This is essentially how viruses as well as insane thoughts spread and infect the body. Luckily, in most cases viruses just attack one particular kind of cell. Egos only attack the minds that have become separated from the spirit.
A virus is not a cell just like the ego is not who we are. A virus does not need food and neither does an ego. Viruses need material to reproduce, but it does not require energy, while the ego only needs fear to maintain its control over our minds.
Viruses DO have the ability to adapt over time to a new environment, so one could state that they do develop. Its development is dependent on the environment, which in this case would be other cells. Our fear driven ego utilizes our external environment to maintain its manifestation.
Dying is also something a virus can do. Over time it loses its ability to invade new host cells and effectively “dies out”. Viruses like HIV only live a few hours when they aren’t in reach of new host cells. Most viruses are quite weak, but some have been known to stay dormant for a number of years... Some viruses can "sleep" inside the genetic instructions of the host cells for years before reproducing. For example, a person infected with HIV can live without showing symptoms of AIDS for years, but they can still spread the virus to others.
Viruses are inert. They can not move by themselves, but always need some means of transport, be it a fluid or the wind. Our fear driven ego relies on the human it controls to project itself into the external environment. Viruses adapt to their environment by constantly changing their DNA or RNA. Our fears manipulate our perception of our environment in order to keep us in a state of confusion. When a virus mutates it makes it very difficult for us to ever cure the diseases it causes. Our fear driven ego must resort to all sorts of trickery and deception in order to convince our minds that it is real. In this respect our fear driven ego and viruses are always trying to stay ahead of the game because they actually are the game.
The definition of inertia is a tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force.
The definition of inert is an inability to move or act or to be sluggish in action or motion; lethargic. Inert could also be defined as a resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change.
Are viruses alive? Are our egos real? This question is more difficult to answer because it depends on a definition of life. Suppose our definition includes the idea that living things are able to reproduce. A dog is obviously alive and is made up of living cells, but a spayed dog cannot reproduce and its genetic information dies with it; yet is alive.
We may, on the other hand, define life as the possession of specific genetic information capable of functioning in living cells. Then the cells of the spayed dog are clearly alive, and so are viruses, which can multiply in living cells. Viruses reproduce and evolve if they have suitable host cells available. Are viruses any different from animals or plants, which also require specific external conditions to propagate their species? To the biologist, a virus is alive because it participates in the adventure of biological evolution.”
We produce toxic waste back into the ecosystem with our every move. Why do you think that we do this? What drives us to manifest a world that is essentially nothing and destroy everything to do so? Cancer seems to me to be the end result of man using the organic chemistry of the earth and replacing it with toxic waste. We fight cancer with poisonous medicine that makes the patients so sick that they never fully recover.
I watched my own father die a horrible death to cancer. These doctors gave him so much chemotherapy and radiation that he could no longer swallow or breathe through his mouth. He was fed from a stomach tube and had to have a tracheotomy in order to breathe on his own. Keep in mind that this was all caused by the medication they gave him that was supposed to save his life.
Now I don’t have resentment against these doctors because this is all that they know. Part of what I see as being the problem is that we are totally consumed with covering up a problem that exists in the very core of our being. We are trying to go around putting a band-aid on fatal wound that exists in our mind.
The more contaminated the ecosystem becomes, the more that disease and cancer will manifest. Reason that our environment is poisoned is because of our sick minds. The more that our thinking becomes diseased the more painful and fear ridden this existence will seem. Our mental and physical states are dependant on our spiritual connection.
Our physical environment, our collective consciousness and mental perception are also interconnected in the exact same manor. The same balance that we yearn for in our own individual struggle exists also in our environment. The unhealthy we become the unhealthy our earth will also become. The more that we live inside imagined fear and negativity, the more our collective consciousness will manifest those same fears, which will be reflected in external existence.
All violence is the end result of our collective fear and pain. Just look at your own body, you notice that you get boils or acne in times when you are stressed? The relationship between stress and health I my own experience I have manufactured my own misery. All of my fear and pain was produced by my mind. It was not real although I would have bet my life that it was. When I manifested fear and the stress that comes along with it I would actually manifest physical symptoms as a result of my mental state. I would break out or get acid reflux or what ever my trip was. Now step back once more and try to imagine our entire humanity as a single person. Imagine that all eight billion people are connected to each other like cells that make up a body.
Imagine that collective individual person getting stressed out or living in fear and pain. Imagine that same collective individual, comprised of all of humanity, beginning to manifest physical symptoms from the pain and fear he or she was experiencing. Who is to say those random acts of violence that is nothing more than the equivalent of acne or boils on the face of humanity? The worse our collective spiritual connection becomes the more that it will manifest into a physical reality in the world we live in.
I could use the same example to try to describe the way that fear and pain could manifest in our collective state of mental health. Who is to say that schizophrenia and BI polar disorder and so many other mental illnesses are not a direct result of humanities collective mind set? I believe that a healthy collective consciousness of humanity has the power to transcend all of our seemingly hopeless states of mind and body.
We are going about it all wrong by trying to spend so much time and energy in addressing our physical realm. Just as the universe has the power to effect our physical planet, our own spirit has the power to affect ever aspect of our physical body. The problem is that our current mind set and ego identification has disconnected us from out own spirit. Would our own ego ever allow us to admit this to ourselves? Illness, both physical and mental, will continue to manifest and increase in direct correlation to our declining spiritual connection. Violence and fear will continue to manifest in direct correlation to our identification to our fear driven egos. Our mental perception will never change unless we address our spiritual disconnection first. Are you starting to get the picture?
We are composed of the same elements as the earth, which means that what ever we are doing to the earth; we are also doing to humanity. Our minds connection or lack of connection to our spirit sends a vibration into every part of our universe. This is another example of action/reaction that I keep trying to drive home. We are so connected to one another that I would be willing to bet that someone who dumps paint into the ocean could cause cancer in someone he never met on the other side of the world.
On an intuitive level we have been mimicking our own spiritual truth in the physical world for years. The global economic community is a perfect example of this. Look at what a single horrible day on the stock market can play out in every economy in the world. When the savings and loans crashed it affected every aspect of the global economy. How can we have such glaring examples of a cause and effect relationship playing out in our monetary existence and think that this would not apply our spiritual realm?
The collective consciousness has an abundance of habits that have the accumulated potential to manifest everything from cancer to aids. These “habits” all have one thing in common in that they originate in our minds. Our minds are the cause of all of our ailments.
We take actions that do nothing but destroy the planet that is our most primary provider. You can forget about your parents, job, and municipality or church because none of these would exist without our earth to support them. This world that we have manifested is a projection of our thoughts reflected in three-dimensional forms. We have created all of this with our thoughts. I am not saying that we should go back into the caves and cure our kill with salt. I am suggesting that we have gone about things in a manner that's reflective of our unbalanced state of mind.
We have created this reality with our fear driven egos. There was not a lot of love that went into it’s over all design. There is not a lot of consideration given to the effects of living inside of a world that is essentially a fear based projection would have on our health. We believe that things just happen to us. People can try to come up with all sorts of well thought out explanations about the origins of AIDS or cancer but the minds that answer these questions are both invested in their continuing existence and driven by fear as well.
We are the cancer of the earth. We consume an overabundance of chemicals that are produced by destroying our ecosystem. This is a great example of how we have created out of fear and not love. We actually go out and destroy living things made out of love to build nonliving structures made out of fear. Whenever we build these structures we have to kill something in order to do it. We are robbing our primary care giver of its resources because we have been fooled by our ego and think that we are somehow separated from the earth that contains us.
This belief in needing something can only come from one place and that is our ego. Our ego is always in need something because it is really nothing. We don’t know that our ego is nothing in fact we think is everything. We believe that our ego is who we are in much the same way that we believe this world we have built is real. Our ego identifies with this world because it created it. It is actually destroying the planet in a fruitless attempt to fulfill its own selfish needs. Our ego will never be satisfied because it only knows how to need. If our ego did not need it cease to exist?
A virus attacks the cell and destroys its nucleus. The virus is dead and it actually has the capacity to spread death to a living cell. A virus takes control of the nucleus and the next thing you know that cell is dead. When I heard about this process it immediately reminded me of our minds own battle with the ego. In my opinion the ego is not living but something that we create with our minds. The ego is capable of taking control of a living mind and driving its thoughts into total self- destruction and taking our body along with it.
Imagine that we were one of those cells that a virus attacks and the nucleus was our brain. Before the virus began its assault on the nucleus, our brain, the cell was complete in and of itself. The virus’s sole purpose is to destroy the cell, us, by any means necessary. What if the nucleus, our brain, actually fooled itself into believing that the virus was who it really was? Now all of a sudden the cell, us, is helping the virus carry out its mission of destroying the cell.
This sounds absolutely ridiculous but this is precisely what we are doing when we allow our fear driven ego to run the show. The only reason that the virus can affect the cell is because we do the exact same thing with our ego.
Right now let’s stay focused on the virus. Viruses can not reproduce without the help of a host cell. An ego cannot project without the help of its own host, our brain. A virus attaches to a cell with its “tails”. It then injects its genetic material into the host cell.
Other viruses can actually dissolve the cell wall, and “sink” into it. The ego does the exact opposite by building a barrier consisting of little shreds of fears that block the connection between our mind and spirit. Once the DNA of the virus is inside the cell, it takes control of it and forces it, using its resources, to produce more of the same virus DNA and parts of the virus. Once our thoughts become consumed with fear it will trick the mind into believing that the ego is who we are. When most of the cell is used up to produce more virus material, it becomes is so weakened that it bursts like a soap bubble, releasing the new replicated viruses which immediately seek out new host cells to invade and destroy. Once our ego has established control of our mind it spreads fear by projecting it into the minds of any person that it comes in contact with. The fear driven ego can turn its attack on the body of the person that has become its host. The fear driven ego can maintain an insane belief system in the mind of its host. The ego can actually cause the body of its host to manifest symptoms of physical illness. This is essentially how viruses as well as insane thoughts spread and infect the body. Luckily, in most cases viruses just attack one particular kind of cell. Egos only attack the minds that have become separated from the spirit.
A virus is not a cell just like the ego is not who we are. A virus does not need food and neither does an ego. Viruses need material to reproduce, but it does not require energy, while the ego only needs fear to maintain its control over our minds.
Viruses DO have the ability to adapt over time to a new environment, so one could state that they do develop. Its development is dependent on the environment, which in this case would be other cells. Our fear driven ego utilizes our external environment to maintain its manifestation.
Dying is also something a virus can do. Over time it loses its ability to invade new host cells and effectively “dies out”. Viruses like HIV only live a few hours when they aren’t in reach of new host cells. Most viruses are quite weak, but some have been known to stay dormant for a number of years... Some viruses can "sleep" inside the genetic instructions of the host cells for years before reproducing. For example, a person infected with HIV can live without showing symptoms of AIDS for years, but they can still spread the virus to others.
Viruses are inert. They can not move by themselves, but always need some means of transport, be it a fluid or the wind. Our fear driven ego relies on the human it controls to project itself into the external environment. Viruses adapt to their environment by constantly changing their DNA or RNA. Our fears manipulate our perception of our environment in order to keep us in a state of confusion. When a virus mutates it makes it very difficult for us to ever cure the diseases it causes. Our fear driven ego must resort to all sorts of trickery and deception in order to convince our minds that it is real. In this respect our fear driven ego and viruses are always trying to stay ahead of the game because they actually are the game.
The definition of inertia is a tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force.
The definition of inert is an inability to move or act or to be sluggish in action or motion; lethargic. Inert could also be defined as a resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change.
Are viruses alive? Are our egos real? This question is more difficult to answer because it depends on a definition of life. Suppose our definition includes the idea that living things are able to reproduce. A dog is obviously alive and is made up of living cells, but a spayed dog cannot reproduce and its genetic information dies with it; yet is alive.
We may, on the other hand, define life as the possession of specific genetic information capable of functioning in living cells. Then the cells of the spayed dog are clearly alive, and so are viruses, which can multiply in living cells. Viruses reproduce and evolve if they have suitable host cells available. Are viruses any different from animals or plants, which also require specific external conditions to propagate their species? To the biologist, a virus is alive because it participates in the adventure of biological evolution.”
We produce toxic waste back into the ecosystem with our every move. Why do you think that we do this? What drives us to manifest a world that is essentially nothing and destroy everything to do so? Cancer seems to me to be the end result of man using the organic chemistry of the earth and replacing it with toxic waste. We fight cancer with poisonous medicine that makes the patients so sick that they never fully recover.
I watched my own father die a horrible death to cancer. These doctors gave him so much chemotherapy and radiation that he could no longer swallow or breathe through his mouth. He was fed from a stomach tube and had to have a tracheotomy in order to breathe on his own. Keep in mind that this was all caused by the medication they gave him that was supposed to save his life.
Now I don’t have resentment against these doctors because this is all that they know. Part of what I see as being the problem is that we are totally consumed with covering up a problem that exists in the very core of our being. We are trying to go around putting a band-aid on fatal wound that exists in our mind.
The more contaminated the ecosystem becomes, the more that disease and cancer will manifest. Reason that our environment is poisoned is because of our sick minds. The more that our thinking becomes diseased the more painful and fear ridden this existence will seem. Our mental and physical states are dependant on our spiritual connection.
Our physical environment, our collective consciousness and mental perception are also interconnected in the exact same manor. The same balance that we yearn for in our own individual struggle exists also in our environment. The unhealthy we become the unhealthy our earth will also become. The more that we live inside imagined fear and negativity, the more our collective consciousness will manifest those same fears, which will be reflected in external existence.
All violence is the end result of our collective fear and pain. Just look at your own body, you notice that you get boils or acne in times when you are stressed? The relationship between stress and health I my own experience I have manufactured my own misery. All of my fear and pain was produced by my mind. It was not real although I would have bet my life that it was. When I manifested fear and the stress that comes along with it I would actually manifest physical symptoms as a result of my mental state. I would break out or get acid reflux or what ever my trip was. Now step back once more and try to imagine our entire humanity as a single person. Imagine that all eight billion people are connected to each other like cells that make up a body.
Imagine that collective individual person getting stressed out or living in fear and pain. Imagine that same collective individual, comprised of all of humanity, beginning to manifest physical symptoms from the pain and fear he or she was experiencing. Who is to say those random acts of violence that is nothing more than the equivalent of acne or boils on the face of humanity? The worse our collective spiritual connection becomes the more that it will manifest into a physical reality in the world we live in.
I could use the same example to try to describe the way that fear and pain could manifest in our collective state of mental health. Who is to say that schizophrenia and BI polar disorder and so many other mental illnesses are not a direct result of humanities collective mind set? I believe that a healthy collective consciousness of humanity has the power to transcend all of our seemingly hopeless states of mind and body.
We are going about it all wrong by trying to spend so much time and energy in addressing our physical realm. Just as the universe has the power to effect our physical planet, our own spirit has the power to affect ever aspect of our physical body. The problem is that our current mind set and ego identification has disconnected us from out own spirit. Would our own ego ever allow us to admit this to ourselves? Illness, both physical and mental, will continue to manifest and increase in direct correlation to our declining spiritual connection. Violence and fear will continue to manifest in direct correlation to our identification to our fear driven egos. Our mental perception will never change unless we address our spiritual disconnection first. Are you starting to get the picture?
We are composed of the same elements as the earth, which means that what ever we are doing to the earth; we are also doing to humanity. Our minds connection or lack of connection to our spirit sends a vibration into every part of our universe. This is another example of action/reaction that I keep trying to drive home. We are so connected to one another that I would be willing to bet that someone who dumps paint into the ocean could cause cancer in someone he never met on the other side of the world.
On an intuitive level we have been mimicking our own spiritual truth in the physical world for years. The global economic community is a perfect example of this. Look at what a single horrible day on the stock market can play out in every economy in the world. When the savings and loans crashed it affected every aspect of the global economy. How can we have such glaring examples of a cause and effect relationship playing out in our monetary existence and think that this would not apply our spiritual realm?
Giving Birth To Ego
Giving birth to the ego
It seems to me as though my mind is the middleman between my spirit and my self which acts almost like an interface between my inner and outer worlds. The way that I perceive reality totally depends on what part of the brain I looking at it with. My own spiritual awakening is accurate in that its presence is once again acknowledged by my mind. Tragedy
My own spiritual awakening is accurate in that its presence is once again acknowledged by my mind. My fears will diminish at a rate equal to that of my strengthening connection to spirit.
Our fears are connected to our basic instincts for survival. These instincts are controlled by a part of my brain that once served a more primary purpose.
It appears that our instincts, at their present strength, no longer serve us. Our connection to the truth is warped in part because we confuse our sense of self with our external environment. In this example I am including our physical body as part of this external environment.
I have always confused who I am with what I have experienced and learned in the physical realm.
Our actual truth cannot be taught, trust me I have tried to learn it. knowledge is taught but the truth is experienced. We are born connected to the truth. Ironically, once we transcend our fear driven self’s dominion over our being we will reconnect to the same truth that has always been there.
The truth has to be felt because it is love and love is the only thing that is powerful enough to shatter the illusion that we have accepted as its substitute.
I have done just about everything in my power to remain supportive of self and the beliefs that support it. This “Belief Self” is the creation of fear. In and of itself fear is a beautiful tool we use to keep us out on harms way but the fear that my “Belief self” experiences in not real. Our fears are created by an imbalance between the lower and higher parts of my brain. It almost as if the higher and lower parts of the brain are a married couple who couldn’t seem to get on the same page. Let’s say that the lower part of the brain was constantly trying to gain control of the higher part. The higher part of the mind, when not giving its support to my “self” would be able help me process what I am experiencing with a spiritual viewpoint.
Iwill certainly feel like running from the truth because it was a threat my belief self that I have mistaken myself to be. I am truth but I had become confused and frightened because I gave my power away to a figment of my imagination.
Just like any relationship between two people, these two parts of my brain each have a role to play in making their relationship work. A working relationship requires that each participant to be clear about their specific roles. A balanced understanding is essential for any partnership that wishes to succeed.
The lower part of the brain or reptilian brain is in control of our instincts. This part of our mind designed to react to stimuli in the physical realm that appears threatening and get our body out of the danger. This instinct for survival is very helpful except when it is used by our belief self to protect what it thinks I am.
The body is nothing more than a vehicle to transport our mind and spirit from one experience to the next. The instinctual mind is in charge of ensuring that our basic needs are met and that we stay out of harms way. This is the oldest part of the mind and the one that is in most need of calibration. Humanity still has yet to phase this obsolete model out and upgrade to a newer version, which is more reflective of this day and age. In the mean time we have to avoid total self-destruction at the hands of our current belief self or else we can forget about being alive to enjoy all of the benefits that an upgrade would afford us.
We are in a constant state of evolution and right now these two parts of the brain are approaching a transformational point that will naturally phase out the condition that currently supports the belief self as we have understood it to be.
Our instinctual brains are ability to tend to our most basic needs is compromised by our false self and the beliefs it upholds. That so that the higher part of the mind is frees to work in harmony with the spiritual realm. The body is just as intermeshed with the lower part of the brain as the spirit is with the higher part of the mind. Now try to imagine that these two parts of the mind were in conflict and confusion because evolution is about to change their responsibilities.
We are never fully evolved.
Soon we will become guided by the higher human part of our brain that is connected to spiritual truth. Right now the lower reptilian part of our brain still retains too much control over our thinking. Part of the way that it maintains control is by enlisting the help of our ego.
When we perceive fear it creates havoc in the relationship between the lower and higher parts of the mind. Fear breeds confusion and this relationship begins to break down. In an effort to save their so-called relationship, the higher and lower parts of the brain decide to have a baby together. Their baby is the ego, as we understand it to be.
In a sense the instinctual and spiritual parts of the brain both view the ego in a similar manner that we would view our own child. The lower, more instinctual part would protect it while the higher part would love it just like it would love anything that it created. Now we have both parts of the brain loving and protecting something that doesn’t even exist. With the birth of the ego the mind has become confused.
Just like any couple with a child, it takes a lot of time and energy to support it. The energy and time that is wasted by the higher part of the brain actually forced it to ignore its primary purpose, which is to maintain its connection with the spiritual realm. This is where separation and disconnection gets really interesting because the ego that only exists in the mind begins to dictate our perception of reality.
Everything that I see in my external environment is a reflection of my egos constant need to be validated. One thing that I have come to realize is that every time I feel that I am in need of something I am also in fear. What ever I fear is really manufactured in my mind to support my ego incessant list of demands. Re-establishing a spiritual connection to the universe is the only way that I can see the truth. This is the truth that shall set me free.
The higher part of my mind is totally capable of experiencing fear but only through the ego, which serves as a bridge to the lower part of my mind. The lower or reptilian part of the mind is where fear is at home.
Our spirit is pure creative energy that also created the universe. I doubt that love is capable of experiencing fear or manifesting a self built out of beliefs. My higher mind is a bridge to love and truth. In order to support the belief self my higher mind has to be convinced of validity, which in turn creates a separation between itself and the spiritual realm.
In order to support the ego the lower part of my brain must is not even capable of questioning the validity of the belief self. This part of the brain, at this stage in evolution is not capable of knowing the truth nor does it even care to.
The higher mind is incapable of sustaining its connection to the spiritual realm due to the attention that it is fooled into giving the ego. The lower, instinctual part of the brain confuses the material and physical environment for being who it really is.
There is not much else for this particular version of instinct brain to do at this stage in evolution. We are not hunting or killing, and all sorts and they have become. The lower mind keeps itself entertained by catering to the needs of its child, the ego. Without the threat of real danger it protects the ego and all of its fear driven perceptions.
What a predicament to have gotten ourselves into! Hold on though because it gets even worse. The ego has no idea what spiritual love is but has tricked us into believing that this true love is something that does not exist. It has to maintain this deception between the mind that created it and the spirit that knows the truth. Our instincts have become totally warped from trying to protect the ego. The irony of this situation is that once the ego can be dissolved then the lower part of the brain will be able to evolve to a more suitable function for life in the spiritual universe.
The key is to get out of fear and reconnect to our true self and the spiritual energy within us. There is a conflict to evolutionary process. Does this sound rather confusing? I will try to simplify it for you in the coming blogs.
Tag Words: valence, self, instinct, fear, truth, spiritual, perception, 2012, hybrid
It seems to me as though my mind is the middleman between my spirit and my self which acts almost like an interface between my inner and outer worlds. The way that I perceive reality totally depends on what part of the brain I looking at it with. My own spiritual awakening is accurate in that its presence is once again acknowledged by my mind. Tragedy
My own spiritual awakening is accurate in that its presence is once again acknowledged by my mind. My fears will diminish at a rate equal to that of my strengthening connection to spirit.
Our fears are connected to our basic instincts for survival. These instincts are controlled by a part of my brain that once served a more primary purpose.
It appears that our instincts, at their present strength, no longer serve us. Our connection to the truth is warped in part because we confuse our sense of self with our external environment. In this example I am including our physical body as part of this external environment.
I have always confused who I am with what I have experienced and learned in the physical realm.
Our actual truth cannot be taught, trust me I have tried to learn it. knowledge is taught but the truth is experienced. We are born connected to the truth. Ironically, once we transcend our fear driven self’s dominion over our being we will reconnect to the same truth that has always been there.
The truth has to be felt because it is love and love is the only thing that is powerful enough to shatter the illusion that we have accepted as its substitute.
I have done just about everything in my power to remain supportive of self and the beliefs that support it. This “Belief Self” is the creation of fear. In and of itself fear is a beautiful tool we use to keep us out on harms way but the fear that my “Belief self” experiences in not real. Our fears are created by an imbalance between the lower and higher parts of my brain. It almost as if the higher and lower parts of the brain are a married couple who couldn’t seem to get on the same page. Let’s say that the lower part of the brain was constantly trying to gain control of the higher part. The higher part of the mind, when not giving its support to my “self” would be able help me process what I am experiencing with a spiritual viewpoint.
Iwill certainly feel like running from the truth because it was a threat my belief self that I have mistaken myself to be. I am truth but I had become confused and frightened because I gave my power away to a figment of my imagination.
Just like any relationship between two people, these two parts of my brain each have a role to play in making their relationship work. A working relationship requires that each participant to be clear about their specific roles. A balanced understanding is essential for any partnership that wishes to succeed.
The lower part of the brain or reptilian brain is in control of our instincts. This part of our mind designed to react to stimuli in the physical realm that appears threatening and get our body out of the danger. This instinct for survival is very helpful except when it is used by our belief self to protect what it thinks I am.
The body is nothing more than a vehicle to transport our mind and spirit from one experience to the next. The instinctual mind is in charge of ensuring that our basic needs are met and that we stay out of harms way. This is the oldest part of the mind and the one that is in most need of calibration. Humanity still has yet to phase this obsolete model out and upgrade to a newer version, which is more reflective of this day and age. In the mean time we have to avoid total self-destruction at the hands of our current belief self or else we can forget about being alive to enjoy all of the benefits that an upgrade would afford us.
We are in a constant state of evolution and right now these two parts of the brain are approaching a transformational point that will naturally phase out the condition that currently supports the belief self as we have understood it to be.
Our instinctual brains are ability to tend to our most basic needs is compromised by our false self and the beliefs it upholds. That so that the higher part of the mind is frees to work in harmony with the spiritual realm. The body is just as intermeshed with the lower part of the brain as the spirit is with the higher part of the mind. Now try to imagine that these two parts of the mind were in conflict and confusion because evolution is about to change their responsibilities.
We are never fully evolved.
Soon we will become guided by the higher human part of our brain that is connected to spiritual truth. Right now the lower reptilian part of our brain still retains too much control over our thinking. Part of the way that it maintains control is by enlisting the help of our ego.
When we perceive fear it creates havoc in the relationship between the lower and higher parts of the mind. Fear breeds confusion and this relationship begins to break down. In an effort to save their so-called relationship, the higher and lower parts of the brain decide to have a baby together. Their baby is the ego, as we understand it to be.
In a sense the instinctual and spiritual parts of the brain both view the ego in a similar manner that we would view our own child. The lower, more instinctual part would protect it while the higher part would love it just like it would love anything that it created. Now we have both parts of the brain loving and protecting something that doesn’t even exist. With the birth of the ego the mind has become confused.
Just like any couple with a child, it takes a lot of time and energy to support it. The energy and time that is wasted by the higher part of the brain actually forced it to ignore its primary purpose, which is to maintain its connection with the spiritual realm. This is where separation and disconnection gets really interesting because the ego that only exists in the mind begins to dictate our perception of reality.
Everything that I see in my external environment is a reflection of my egos constant need to be validated. One thing that I have come to realize is that every time I feel that I am in need of something I am also in fear. What ever I fear is really manufactured in my mind to support my ego incessant list of demands. Re-establishing a spiritual connection to the universe is the only way that I can see the truth. This is the truth that shall set me free.
The higher part of my mind is totally capable of experiencing fear but only through the ego, which serves as a bridge to the lower part of my mind. The lower or reptilian part of the mind is where fear is at home.
Our spirit is pure creative energy that also created the universe. I doubt that love is capable of experiencing fear or manifesting a self built out of beliefs. My higher mind is a bridge to love and truth. In order to support the belief self my higher mind has to be convinced of validity, which in turn creates a separation between itself and the spiritual realm.
In order to support the ego the lower part of my brain must is not even capable of questioning the validity of the belief self. This part of the brain, at this stage in evolution is not capable of knowing the truth nor does it even care to.
The higher mind is incapable of sustaining its connection to the spiritual realm due to the attention that it is fooled into giving the ego. The lower, instinctual part of the brain confuses the material and physical environment for being who it really is.
There is not much else for this particular version of instinct brain to do at this stage in evolution. We are not hunting or killing, and all sorts and they have become. The lower mind keeps itself entertained by catering to the needs of its child, the ego. Without the threat of real danger it protects the ego and all of its fear driven perceptions.
What a predicament to have gotten ourselves into! Hold on though because it gets even worse. The ego has no idea what spiritual love is but has tricked us into believing that this true love is something that does not exist. It has to maintain this deception between the mind that created it and the spirit that knows the truth. Our instincts have become totally warped from trying to protect the ego. The irony of this situation is that once the ego can be dissolved then the lower part of the brain will be able to evolve to a more suitable function for life in the spiritual universe.
The key is to get out of fear and reconnect to our true self and the spiritual energy within us. There is a conflict to evolutionary process. Does this sound rather confusing? I will try to simplify it for you in the coming blogs.
Tag Words: valence, self, instinct, fear, truth, spiritual, perception, 2012, hybrid
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