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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wounded Healer Series: Uncovering Your Self Defeating Beliefs 1. Abandonment

I knew you wouldnt come back!! Fucktard!

If you have ever muttered words like this then chances are you believe that people abandon you.

The power of belief while transiting through the remaining days of the "Age of Belief" are strong enough to impair or impede ones internal shift in structure.

We have witnessed centuries of impractical applications of magic dressed up in dogmatic disguise and are currently living in its end result.

Confusion reigns supreme in the physical realm however this can only happen after the minds responsible said confusion have become confused.

If you believe that people abandon you then you will constantly be manifesting situations where loved ones (usually just after a moment of intimacy) abandon you and your needs on one or all of the three planes of life force expression.

I have only one question for you... Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?

Would you rather continue your subconscious hunt for evidence to confirm your beliefs existence?

Are you tired of giving yourself, whom is far more powerful then you think, to scared men who are incapable of love and will only be able lead you in rediscovering the negative side of the wounds that keep you from loving another!

Give that wound a voice and kiss your belief in abandonment away.

Robert Gray Gallagher

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