In every particle of matter there is an invisible "fluid" or force which causes the atoms to circle around one another at an inconceivable rate of speed. This "fluid" is a form of energy which has never been analyzed. Thus far it has baffled the entire scientific world. By many scientists it is believed to be the same energy as that which we call electricity. Others prefer to call it vibration. It is believed by some investigators that the rate of speed with which this force (call it whatever you will) moves determines to a large extent the nature of the outward visible appearance of the physical objects of the universe.
One rate of vibration of this "fluid energy" causes what is known as sound. The human ear can detect only the sound which is produced through from 32,000 to 38,000 vibrations per second.
As the rate of vibrations per second increases above that which we call sound they begin to manifest themselves in the form of heat. Heat begins with about 1,500,000 vibrations per second.
Still higher up the scale vibrations begin to register in the form of light.
3,000,000 vibrations per second create violet light. Above this number vibration sheds ultra-violet rays (which are invisible to the naked eye) and other invisible radiations.
And, still higher up the scale-just how high no one at present seems to know-vibrations create the power with which man THINKS.
It is the belief of the author that the "fluid" portion of all vibration, out of which grow all known forms of energy, is universal in nature; that the "fluid" portion of sound is the same as the "fluid" portion of light, the difference in effect between sound and light being only a difference in rate of vibration, also that the "fluid" portion of thought is exactly the same as that in sound, heat and light, excepting the number of vibrations per second.
Just as there is but one form of physical matter, of which the earth and all the other planets-suns and stars-are composed-the electron-so is there but one form of "fluid" energy, which causes all matter to remain in a constant state of rapid motion.
N. HILL -Law Of Success 1928
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